
\r\n \r\nComunicat de presă\r\n \r\nVineri 13 decembrie 2024, ora 11:00, Asociatia Pro Roma in parteneriat cu Școala Gimnayială Zmeu, din satul Zmeu, comuna Lungani, județul Iași și Pr...


"Be professional in audio-visual"


The PRO ROMA Association implements the project "Be professional in the audiovisual field" (no 2017-3-RO01-KA105-047070) between 01.02.2018 - 31.07.2018, together with 5 other international partners: Juvenil Intercambia Association (Spain), Associazione Social Promotion Futuro Digitale (Italy), Citizens of the World (Turkey), Bulgarian Active Society (Bulgaria), Regionalna Romska Obrazovna Mladinska Asocijacija (Macedonia).

The main objective of the project is to empower 60 young people with skills and competences in the media field.

Target group: young people with fewer opportunities, Roma from rural areas, marginalized neighborhoods, who want to know the realities of other peoples, fight against Roma discrimination, create a film / news, promote the positive image of a Roma , by means of worthy models to follow.

Training: During the period 02.06 - 09.06.2018, the PRO ROMA Association, together with the 5 partners above, will implement the training session of 60 young people in the audio-visual field. The training will take place at the Marabu camp in Milcoveni, Caras-Severin County. There will be 60 young people aged 18-25, accompanied by group leaders from partner countries.

The training objectives are: 

  • to develop and improve audio-visual skills and 60 young people from 5 European countries;
  • Encourage 60 young people to learn how to create TV, radio and short TV shows;
  • to promote tolerance, understanding and acceptance;
  • young people's level of knowledge is growing in a reality faced by the Roma;
  • to raise the self-esteem of the 60 young people;
  • 60 participants will better understand what is needed to promote the posi- tion of a Roma ethnicity;
  • developing the creativity of 60 young people to create short films.

Proposed results:

  • developing creativity;
  • Improving communication
  • intercultural relationship;
  • increasing self-esteem of young people;
  • the sound development of partnerships for future projects.


The project is funded by the European Commission through the Erasmus + program, Action 1, Youth Mobility Projects


 Useful documents for participants:


Photo gallery / Video galleryRadio show / The press

Group BPIAV Facebook photo

       Tineretul în mişcare

Pro Roma organizează şi participă la programe de mobilitate, programe de voluntariat,

cum ar fi schimburi de tineri, proiecte de formare precum şi seminarii de formare.





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Asociaţia PRO ROMA
C.I.F. 24514580; Nr. Reg. 189/A/16.09.2008
COD IBAN RO48BTRL02401205R31265XX
Președinte - Margareta HERȚANU
Mobil: +40 757 14 60 02; +40 739 07 58 11
Adresa: str. Ion Creangă nr. 56A, Bl. H1, PT 23 Tătărași, Iași, Cod 700321